
Michael Wibral michael.wibral at WEB.DE
Thu Apr 8 17:42:08 CEST 2010

Hi Patricia,

from looking at your plots I see that you average over the whole frequency range analysed (40-180). Only a few frequency bands seem to carry a significant effect - hence the small units, when displaying the mask (0.0426 is the maximum already!). I suggest you try to indetify the frequency band with the geratest effect and then compare stat/mask/statmask again. In the statmaskplot you're amplifying the effect by multiplying mask and (tiny) effects.

What might seem odd for you is that some sensor has a high t-value (averaged over frequencies) while it has a very low value in the average mask. But this can happen:
Imagine your frequencies being:
f = [40 42 ...178 180]      (70 entries)

the t-values at that sensor for each frequency are
stat(sensor,:) = [ 0 0 ....... 0 70]    (70 entries, one for each frequency, only one is nonzero)
The average over all frequencies (which you plot) in this case is 70/70=1

The mask will be
mask(sensor,:) = [0 0 ....... 0 1] (70entries, one for each frequency, only one is nonzero)
he average over all frequencies (which you plot) in this case is 1/70 i.e. a tiny value!

Therefore plotting t-stats averaged over frequencies and the mask averaged over frequencies may give very different results.


-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: Patricia Wollstadt 
Gesendet: Apr 7, 2010 3:58:20 PM
Betreff: [FIELDTRIP] freqstatistics

>Dear list members,
>I am trying to calculate the statistics for four groups in a resting state condition. 
>The problem is that mask and statmask do not match the plotted statistics (see attached figure, topoplotTFR with zparam='stat', zparam='mask', zparam='statmask'). At this point the groups only consist of 8 participants per group and I am now wondering, whether the problem is caused by the low group size or a failure in the skript (I apologize for the quantity of code, but I followed the tutorial very closely and couldn't find an error so far): 
>cfg.method    = 'montecarlo';
>   = myChannels; 
>cfg.statistic = 'indepsamplesF'; 
>cfg.correctm  = 'fdr'; 
>cfg.numrandomization = 1000;
>cfg.tail = 0;
>cfg.alpha = 0.05;
>cfg.avgoverfreq = 'no';
>cfg.avgovertime = 'yes';
>design = [1:groupSize 1:groupSize 1:groupSize 1:groupSize];             
>design(2,:) = [ones(1,groupSize) 2*ones(1,groupSize) 3*ones(1,groupSize) 4*ones(1,groupSize)];
>cfg.uvar = 1;       
>cfg.ivar = 2;       
>cfg.frequency   = [40 180];                 
>statisticsGamma = freqstatistics(cfg,group1avg,group2avg,group3avg,group4avg);
>Thanks and best regards
>Patricia Wollstadt
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