Non parametric test on coherence

Matteo Demuru suforraxi at GMAIL.COM
Tue Apr 27 16:21:08 CEST 2010

Dear all,

I have a problem using freqstatistics to calculate significance for

Specifically I have a subject and I am performing a within-trials experiment
using 'indepsamplesZcoh' as statistic.

I calculate the TFR of my data with the cfg.output='powandcsd' and
cfg.keeptrials='yes' parameters. Then I call freqstatistics to compare my
different experimental conditions (baseline vs activation).

The function crashes with this output:

??? Reference to non-existent field 'label'.

Error in ==> statfun_indepsamplesZcoh at 76
  nchan = length(cfg.label);

I have tried to add this field to the cfg struct assigning the cell that
contains the interested channels. However this time I have another error:

??? Error using ==> reshape
To RESHAPE the number of elements must not change.

Error in ==> clusterstat at 178
      posclusobs = findcluster(reshape(postailobs,

Any suggestions?

Thanks in advance

Matteo Demuru

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