electrode load and clusterrandanalysis

Charles Cook charles.cook at ULETH.CA
Fri May 8 21:40:44 CEST 2009

Hi all,

I'm having some trouble running the clusterrandanalysis on my time-frequency
data collected using BESA. I've been trying to follow the example script
('Apply clusterrandanalysis on TFRs of power that were computed with BESA'),
but am still coming up short. Specifically, I'm a little confused about
loading electrodes

% load a set of electrodes (these are on a unit sphere)
% note, this will be different for your own data
% scale the electrodes to a realistic head size (in cm)
elec.pnt = 10*elec.pnt;

Any suggestions would be much appreciated.


Charles Cook
Canadian Centre for Behavioural Neuroscience
University of Lethbridge

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