Need help with BVA files

Martijn Barendregt Martijn.Barendregt at PHIL.UU.NL
Tue Mar 31 15:23:06 CEST 2009


I'm trying to process some E.E.G. data that I've exported from BrainVision
Analyzer. But when I run my script (see below) I don't get any errors but
the 'time' field in the raw_data struct will be all zeros. Because of this I
can't do anything with the data.

What can I do to get the time values in correctly?

Kinds regards,

Martijn Barendregt

My code:
cfg = [];
cfg.datafile = 'somefile.dat';
cfg.headerfile = 'somefile.vhdr';
cfg.trialdef.trgfile = 'somefile.vmkr';
cfg.trialdef.eventtype = 'Stimulus';
cfg.trialdef.eventvalue = 'M22';
cfg.traildef.prestim = 3;
cfg.traildef.poststim = 3;
cfg.trialdef.segment  = 'no';
cfg.trialdef.timezero = 'no';

[cfg] = definetrial(cfg);                          

raw_data = preprocessing(cfg);

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