2 PhD Positions in the Biomagnetic Center Jena

Conny Kranczioch cornelia.kranczioch at MED.UNI-JENA.DE
Mon Mar 2 13:26:57 CET 2009

2 PhD Positions in Junior Research Group "Neurocognition of temporal attention", 
Biomagnetic Center Jena, Germany

Two three-year PhD positions (TV-L 13 50%) are available in the Junior Research Group 
"Neurocognition of temporal attention", headed by Dr. Cornelia Kranczioch. The first post 
will focus on studying the influence of cognitive states on temporal attention, the second 
post will study the role of alpha activity on perceptual performance and visual temporal 
attention. Candidates will have a Diplom or Master's degree in psychology, biology, 
neurosciences or a related discipline. Candidates should have a strong interest in 
experimental and cognitive neuroscience and expertise in EEG or MEG recordings. Fluent 
English is highly desirable. Some background in programming and/or biosignal processing 
is desirable but not mandatory.                                                                                                                                  

The Junior Research Group is affiliated with the Biomagnetic Center Jena. Biomagnetism 
has a long-standing tradition in Jena and the center consists of a young, interdisciplinary 
and international research team and a new head of department (Prof. S. Debener). The 
Biomag Center comprises several labs, including a new 306/128-channel whole-head 
MEG/EEG system (Neuromag). Areas of research are multisensory processing, 
somatosensory and pain research, cortical re-organization after cochlear implantation, 
neurocognition of temporal attention, and EEG-fMRI integration.

For further enquiries, please contact Conny Kranczioch. International applications are 
welcome. Please send your application (application letter, CV, contact information for two 
references) to cornelia.kranczioch at med.uni-jena.de. Closing date is March 31, 2009.

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