MEG lunch at HBM: Sunday June 21 (not Friday!)

Ole Jensen ole.jensen at DONDERS.RU.NL
Wed Jun 10 22:17:29 CEST 2009

Dear MEG researcher,

We would like to invite you to a lunch meeting at HBM2009/San Francisco:

Sunday June 31, 12:30 - 1:45 pm.
Yerba Buena Ballroom, Salons 1-6 (Lower B2 Level)

We hope to explore ways to strengthen the MEG community. We find it
particularly important given that the increase of MEG groups warrants
more initiatives for improving communication.

Points to discuss:
- Practical initiatives for strengthening communication between MEG groups
   * mailing lists/websites
   * satellite meetings in connection with conferences (e.g. HBM, FENS,...)
- Improve education on MEG analysis (summer schools, boot camps, student
- How to promote an increase of the scientific quality/standard of MEG

*Please forward this message to other MEG researchers (we do not  have a
complete list).*

Best regards,

Ole Jensen, Joachim Gross and Srikantan Nagarajan

P.S. Please bring your own lunch

 Ole Jensen
 Principal Investigator
 Neuronal Oscillations Group
 Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behaviour
 Centre for Cognitive Neuroimaging
 P.O. Box 9101
 NL-6500 HB Nijmegen
 The Netherlands

 Office  : +31 24 36 10884
 MEG lab : +31 24 36 10988

 Fax     : +31 24 36 10989

 e-mail : ole.jensen at
 URL    :

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