Question on Freqanalysis_tfr

jan-mathijs schoffelen j.schoffelen at PSY.GLA.AC.UK
Mon Feb 16 21:25:51 CET 2009

Dear Paco,

This looks like a bug to me.
One way of normalizing fft'ed data, is to obtain a so-called spectral
density, i.e. the amount of power per frequency bin. Because you have
data.fsample/2 (=Nyquist frequency) frequency bins, this
normalization would be:


In the code it seems abs(cTmp)^2 is normalized with the square root
of 2./data.fsample.

Thanks for finding this; I will fix it and the fixed version will be
available in the downloadable toolbox as of tomorrow. However,
probably a good reason why this has gone unnoticed that long, is that
freqanalysis_tfr is a very old piece of code (and very slow), and the
exact same functionality should be covered by freqanalysis_wltconvol
(but this guy is much faster). Even better, freqanalysis_mtmconvol
operates in a very similar way (and you can even get it to mimick a
classical waveletanalysis, given the proper settings), but here you
have much more flexibility in defining your time-frequency resolution
by playing with 'multitapers'.
To give you a look in the kitchen: freqanalysis_tfr operates by
applying a convolution in the time domain, between the time domain
data and the wavelet. Convolution in the time domain is equivalent to
multiplication in the frequency domain. Freqanalysis_mtmconvol/
wltconvol operate by performing this multiplication in the frequency
domain, rather than the slow convolution.



On Feb 16, 2009, at 2:58 PM, Paco Diaz wrote:

> Dear fieldtrip users,
>   While reading carefully what the function freqanalysis_tfr do, I
> have
> found something that seems very extrange to me. I think that the
> general
> procedure for the wavelet transformation is clear but I can't get
> why do you
> multiply by 2, and divide by the sampling rate, the absolute value
> of the
> convolution.
>   I have still used the function with very good results, but I
> would like to
> understand that step in order to sleep well.
> Here is a piece of the code:
>   for k=1:size(dat,1)
>     for j=1:length(cfg.foi)
>       cTmp = conv(dat(k,:),M{j});
>       cTmp = (2*abs(cTmp)/data.fsample).^2;
>       cTmp = cTmp(ceil(length(M{j})/2):length(cTmp)-floor(length(M
> {j})/2));
>       cTmp = cTmp(:,1:cfg.downsample:end);
>       if strcmp(cfg.keeptrials, 'yes')
>         freq.powspctrm(i,k,j,:) = cTmp';
>       else
>         freq.powspctrm(k,j,:) = squeeze(freq.powspctrm(k,j,:)) +
> cTmp';  %
> compute the running sum
>       end
>     end
>   end
> Thank you very much in advance, Paco.
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