Import Channel locations from EEGLAB

Robert Oostenveld r.oostenveld at FCDONDERS.RU.NL
Mon Feb 9 17:56:08 CET 2009

Hi Tom,

You should have an eeglab2fieldtrip function in your EEGLAB
distribution. It works like this

% Use as
%   [data] = eeglab2fieldtrip( EEG, fieldbox )
% where the inputs are
%   EEG       - [struct] EEGLAB structure
%   fieldbox  -
%                'chanloc', 'chanloc_withfid']

and if you specify 'chanloc' as fieldbox, you should get a data
structure that has the field "elec" in it. That is the electrode
definition according to fieldtrip standards, and you can e.g. use it
in prepare_layout to make a layout for plotting.

best regards

On 6 Feb 2009, at 14:38, sanders, T. wrote:

> Hello,
> I was wondering if there is an easy way to convert the channel
> labels and locations from EEGLAB to Fieldtrip. We are using the
> international 10-10 system with 118 electrodes and have a
> EEG.chanlocs datastructure for that. Our labels are slightly
> different than than the default labels and channel locations known
> by Fieldtrip (possibly due to us using 118 electrodes) which means
> we cannot create a multiplot in Fieldtrip at the moment. If anyone
> knows a way to convert the chanlocs datastructure from EEGLAB to a
> layout datastructure of Fieldtrip I would greatly appreciate it.
> Thank you in advance.
> Kind Regards,
> Tom Sanders
> BCI group
> Rudolf Magnus Institute
> Department of Neurology & Neurosurgery
> University Medical Center Utrecht
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