Source analysis on timelockdata
Christine Gruetzner
christine.gruetzner at GOOGLEMAIL.COM
Tue Dec 22 17:00:56 CET 2009
Hi everyone,
I got a problem with performing source analysis (minimum norm estimate) on
timelockdata, and I would be very glad if anyone could help me out!
So far, I've done the following steps (using fieldtrip version 20091221):
1) Compute timelockanalysis with cfg.latency = [0.05 0.4] and baseline
correction for condition 1 and 2
2) Source analysis with cfg. method = 'mne' on the timelock data, using
inverse grids
In the output from the source analysis I have avg.pow = 4560x211 for each
subject (211 = number of time samples)
The problem is that I can't compute sourcegrandaverage (see code below) on
these data (error at sourcegrandaverage at 178, dat(:,i) = tmp(:));
I already tried to put the single datasets directly into sourcestatistics,
but this doesn't work either (error: "the function requires source or volume
data as input")
I guess the problem is caused by the time dimension in the timelock data -
does anyone have an idea how to handle this information in source analysis /
source grandaverage / source statistics?
% Code for Source Statistics
datapath =
DataFaceFiles = {
DataInvertedFiles = {
template =
Nx = length(template.template_grid.xgrid);
Ny = length(template.template_grid.ygrid);
Nz = length(template.template_grid.zgrid);
for i = 1:length(DataFaceFiles)
fullname1 = strcat(datapath,DataFaceFiles{i,1});
DataFace{i} = load(fullname1);
for i = 1:length(DataInvertedFiles)
fullname2 = strcat(datapath,DataInvertedFiles{i,1});
DataInverted{i} = load(fullname2);
% Fixing the structure properties
% Absolute power difference
for l = 1:length(DataFaceFiles)
DataFace{l}.DataERFOut.xgrid = template.template_grid.xgrid;
DataFace{l}.DataERFOut.ygrid = template.template_grid.ygrid;
DataFace{l}.DataERFOut.zgrid = template.template_grid.zgrid;
DataFace{l}.DataERFOut.dim = [Nx Ny Nz];
DataFace{l}.DataERFOut.pos = template.template_grid.pos;
DataFace{l}.DataERFOut.inside = template.template_grid.inside;
DataFace{l}.DataERFOut.outside = template.template_grid.outside;
DataFace{l} = DataFace{l}.DataERFOut;
for l = 1:length(DataInvertedFiles)
DataInverted{l}.DataERFOut.xgrid = template.template_grid.xgrid;
DataInverted{l}.DataERFOut.ygrid = template.template_grid.ygrid;
DataInverted{l}.DataERFOut.zgrid = template.template_grid.zgrid;
DataInverted{l}.DataERFOut.dim = [Nx Ny Nz];
DataInverted{l}.DataERFOut.pos = template.template_grid.pos;
DataInverted{l}.DataERFOut.inside = template.template_grid.inside;
DataInverted{l}.DataERFOut.outside = template.template_grid.outside;
DataInverted{l} = DataInverted{l}.DataERFOut;
% Compute grand average for Condition 1 and 2
cfgGA = [];
cfgGA.keepindividual = 'yes';
% cfg.parameter = 'pow';
% create command strings for the computation:
commandstr1 = strcat ('DataGAFace', '= sourcegrandaverage(cfgGA');
commandstr2 = strcat ('DataGAInverted', '= sourcegrandaverage(cfgGA');
for l = 1 : length(DataFace)
commandstr1 = strcat(commandstr1, ',DataFace{', num2str(l) , '}');
% finalize command strings
commandstr1 = strcat(commandstr1,');');
eval(commandstr1) % yields DataGADiff;
for l = 1 : length(DataInverted)
commandstr2 = strcat(commandstr2, ',DataInverted{', num2str(l) , '}');
% finalize command strings
eval(commandstr2) % yields DataGADiff;
cfg = [];
cfg.dimord = 'voxel';
cfg.dim = [15 19 16];
nSubjects = length(DataFaceFiles);
a = [1:nSubjects];
b = ones(1,nSubjects); = [a a; b (2*b)];
cfg.uvar = 1; % "subject" is unit of observation
cfg.ivar = 2; % row
cfg.method = 'montecarlo';
cfg.correctm = 'fdr';
cfg.alpha = 0.05;
cfg.numrandomization = 6000;
cfg.parameter = 'pow';
cfg.statistic = 'depsamplesT';
sourceStat = sourcestatistics(cfg, DataGAFace, DataGAInverted);
Christine Grützner, geb.Tillmann
Max-Planck-Institut für Hirnforschung
Abt. Neurophysiologie
Deutschordenstr. 46
60528 Frankfurt am Main
Phone: +49 (0)69/6301-83225
E-Mail: tillmann at
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