automatic EOG rejection

Lars Meyer lmeyer at CBS.MPG.DE
Fri Aug 7 14:22:46 CEST 2009

dear all,

(newest fieldtrip, newest matlab)

trying automatic EOG artifact rejection, i get the following error:

In fetch_data at 111
In artifact_zvalue at 213
In artifact_eog at 179
Warning: data contains NaNs, no filtering applied 

workflow was (these all worked):

- reading continous data to memory
- merging EOG channels (from V+/V_ / H+/H_ to eogv and eogh)
- appending EOG channels
- re-refercing
- filtering
- epoching according to triggers

while trying automatic rejection comes the error; visual rejection just works fine. in the olf fieldtrip version, the error message said "not all samples are present in the data". i checked the data structure; the merged EOG channels have been correctly appended and labelled. attached is my code, thanks a lot in advance!

all best,

Lars Meyer | MSc
Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive & Brain Sciences
Department of Neuropsychology
Stephanstraße 1a
04103 Leipzig | Germany

Office | +49 (0)341 99 40 22 66
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