
Greg Hooper gregstuarthooper at GMAIL.COM
Tue May 27 10:18:20 CEST 2008

thanks again - yes that is the command i used - i have matlab 7.0.4


On Tue, May 27, 2008 at 5:55 PM, Vladimir Litvak <v.litvak at> wrote:
> I think it depends on your Matlab version. I've had this problem many
> times and recompiling with just 'mex read_24bit.c' in Matlab command
> line and moving the file up has always solved it for me. Maybe Robert
> will have some other ideas. Just to make sure - you really compiled it
> from Matlab command line, not with an external compiler?
> Best,
> Vladimir
> On Tue, May 27, 2008 at 8:25 AM, Greg Hooper <gregstuarthooper at> wrote:
>> Thanks for the response Vladimir. Unfortunately moving the file up
>> does not help -  once compiled it forms a dll rather than a mex file.
>> Is that where the error lies?
>> On Tue, May 27, 2008 at 4:52 PM, Vladimir Litvak <v.litvak at> wrote:
>>> Did you move your compiled file one directory up (into \private) and
>>> replace the previous version of the file?
>>> Vladimir
>>> On Tue, May 27, 2008 at 3:54 AM, Greg Hooper <gregstuarthooper at> wrote:
>>>> Hi, I am new to Fieldtrip and trying to load Biosemi EEG data using
>>>> fileio-20080526 and also Fieldtrip. I am using  windows XP on a quad core
>>>> system.
>>>> The header information reads fine, but
>>>> I get the following error message in Matlab when trying to use read_data
>>>> ??? Error using ==> fileio-20080526\private\read_24bit
>>>> this function is implemented as mex file and is not available for this platform
>>>> Error in ==> fileio-20080526\private\read_biosemi_bdf at 237
>>>>      buf = read_24bit(filename, offset, epochlength);
>>>> Error in ==> read_data at 429
>>>>    dat = read_biosemi_bdf(filename, hdr, begsample, endsample, chanindx);
>>>> I have compiled the read_24bit.c as a mex file but this has not been successful
>>>> The code is
>>>> [hdr] = read_header('HHH_123.BDF'); % loads the header successfully
>>>> dat = read_data('HHH_123.BDF',hdr,1000,2000,12); % which is unsuccessful - I
>>>> read this as as loading 1000 data points from channel 12 - is this correct?
>>>> thankyou for any help
>>>> Greg
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