Permut-test- BetweenTrials

Natalia Grion grion at SISSA.IT
Thu May 22 15:45:29 CEST 2008

Dear all,
I having a bug when running freqstatistics (montecarlo, indepsamplesT),
for difference in power between conditionA and B, (UO:trials).
??? Reference to non-existent field 'label'.
Error in ==> statistics_wrapper at 325
    stat.label  = data.label;
Error in ==> freqstatistics at 132
[stat] = statistics_wrapper(cfg, varargin{:});

'label' refers to the channels from where pow was computed, this
structure is in fact present in my data; I have 2 channels: 'H_LFP_1'
The point is that I cannot figure out which is the origin of the bug.
Any help will be appreciated!

PS: This is the code:

cfg = []; = {'B_LFP_3'};
%cfg.channelcmb = [];
cfg.latency = [-1.5 2];
cfg.method = 'montecarlo';
cfg.statistic = 'indepsamplesT';
cfg.clusteralpha = 0.05;
cfg.clusterstatistic = 'maxsum';
cfg.neighbours = [];
cfg.tail = 0;
cfg.clustertail = 0;
cfg.alpha = 0.05;
cfg.numrandomization = 100;
 cfg.correctm = 'cluster';
design =
design(1,1:size(freqoutNG6ITrigg.powspctrm,1)) = 1;
  size(freqoutNG6CTrigg.powspctrm,1)))=2;   = design;
cfg.ivar  = 1;
[stat] = freqstatistics(cfg, freqoutNG6ITrigg, freqoutNG6CTrigg);

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