CTF 3rd order gradiometers correction

Vladimir Litvak v.litvak at ION.UCL.AC.UK
Thu Jul 10 17:13:58 CEST 2008

What I understand from Robert is that the coefficients are not fixed.
They are at least site-specific if not file-specific. So the new way
should really be optimal. Guido, if you can also do some testing and
compare with your existing code, that'd be helpful.



On Thu, Jul 10, 2008 at 3:52 PM, Guido Nolte
<guido.nolte at first.fraunhofer.de> wrote:
> Guys,
> some years ago I stumbled over the same problem.
> I want to add to this discussion that it is
> quite important to properly include the 3rd-order
> gradiometer into the lead field. For a phantom
> experiment with a single dipole the error reduced by about a factor
> 10 as compared to simply ignoring that and treating
> the signals as simple gradiometer measurements (if I remember
> right).
> Back then I actually asked CTF for
> the coefficients (which they considered as a weird
> request (which I considered as weird)),
> and included that into my own programs.
> I still have these coefficients.
> Regards, Guido
> Vladimir Litvak wrote:
>> Dear Michael,
>> You don't need to wait. You just need to be careful. The version
>> presently available on the FTP server supports reading CTF datasets
>> with denoising. Just see my remarks from the e-mails before. You
>> should specify:
>> cfg.headerformat = 'ctf_new';
>> cfg.dataformat = 'ctf_new';
>> for preprocessing and also specify ctf_new in read_data and
>> read_header if you call them directly.
>> The signs that you are using the right reader (from external ctf
>> toolbox) are that there is a disclaimer message appearing every time
>> you read something and if you do imagesc(log(abs(grad.tra))) for a 3rd
>> gradient dataset, you'll see that there is a lot happening on the
>> right side of the matrix related to reference sensors (for the wrong
>> reader you'll just see some straight lines).
>> Then use the data and the grad normally. To be careful I'd suggest you
>> to test your results thoroughly. Try to do the same analysis with
>> 'raw' and 3rd gradient. Also you can try converting with either CTF
>> software or denoise_synthetic and compare the results (for
>> denoise_synthetic to work you must use the new reader).
>> The more people do this kind of tests and report their results, the
>> more confident we'll become of the new code and the sooner Robert will
>> make it default.
>> Good luck,
>> Vladimir
>> On Thu, Jul 10, 2008 at 1:05 PM, Michael Wibral
>> <wibral at bic.uni-frankfurt.de> wrote:
>>> Dear Vladimir,
>>> I understand the problem about leadfields for 3rd gradients and
>>> magnetometers to be different. I am just curious now how to best proceed,
>>> when the measured data are from a rather noisy inner city environment:
>>> (1) Go for the raw data and increase the artefact rejection thresholds
>>> considerably (as beamforming should not localize artefacts inside the head
>>> anyway).
>>> (2) Wait for a fieldtrip version where leadfield can be computed for 3rd
>>> grads (if that's planned at all...).
>>> (3) try to use laedfields from CTF for these data, if that's possible.
>>> Thanks for any suggestions on this issue.
>>> Best,
>>> Michael
>>>> -----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
>>>> Von: "Vladimir Litvak" <v.litvak at ION.UCL.AC.UK>
>>>> Gesendet: 09.07.08 19:34:51
>>>> Betreff: Re: [FIELDTRIP] CTF 3rd order gradiometers correction
>>>> Until the recent improvements (which are not yet default) fieldtrip
>>>> assumed that the data is 'raw'. Therefore source reconstruction was
>>>> not precise for data that was saved in 3rd gradient. The data is
>>>> indeed read as it's saved so for sensor level analysis there is no
>>>> problem. But the leadfields computed using grads read with the old ctf
>>>> reader are only suitable for the 'raw' setting.
>>>> Best,
>>>> Vladimir
>>>> On Wed, Jul 9, 2008 at 5:32 PM, Suresh Muthukumaraswamy
>>>> <sdmuthu at cardiff.ac.uk> wrote:
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>  as far as I am aware fieldtrip reads in whatever gradiometer
>>>>> definition your data is saved as and
>>>>> doesnt apply any other processing to this
>>>>> You can check what the gradiometer definition of the saved data is  in
>>>>> DataEditor.
>>>>> In the Acq software you can pick what type of gradiometers the data is
>>>>> saved as. We usually just
>>>>> save it as 3rd order in the data at the Acq level and you dont have to
>>>>> worry about it from then on
>>>>> (unless you had some reason to undo the 3rd order gradiometers)
>>>>> - Suresh
>>>>> Suresh Muthukumaraswamy, PhD
>>>>> CUBRIC
>>>>> Cardiff University
>>>>> Park Place
>>>>> Cardiff, CF10 3AT
>>>>> United Kingdom
>>>>> email: sdmuthu at cardiff.ac.uk
>>>>> Phone: +44 (0)29 2087 0353
>>>>>>>> Cristiano Micheli <michelic72 at GMAIL.COM> 09/07/2008 17:02 >>>
>>>>> Hi All
>>>>> CTF software allows to open a MEG dataset and to apply a theoretical
>>>>> 3rd
>>>>> order gradiometers data correction, which makes use of a number of
>>>>> coefficients to correct raw data from common mode artifacts.
>>>>> Does Fieldtrip take in account this correction as well?
>>>>> Where is it coded?
>>>>> Regards
>>>>> Cristiano
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>>> The aim of this list is to facilitate the discussion between users of the
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>> The aim of this list is to facilitate the discussion between users of the
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> ----------------------------------
> The aim of this list is to facilitate the discussion between users of the
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