FieldTrip and BCI2000

Robert Oostenveld r.oostenveld at FCDONDERS.RU.NL
Tue Jul 8 10:52:58 CEST 2008

Dear fieldtrip users (and specifically those of you interested in BCI
and neurofeedback):

Last weekend the BCI2000 workshop took place in Utrecht (see http:// Christian (also from the FCDC) and I contributed to
the lectures and hands-on sessions at that workshop by showing how
Matlab can be used for "in the pipe" (synchronous) and "out of the
pipe" (asynchronous) real-time processing of EEG data. Overall the
workshop was a great succes and a lot of fun to be part of.

Given the successful demonstration of the joint BCI2000-FieldTrip
efforts in Utrecht, we will now release the BCI specific FieldTrip
code that we have developed. Part of that code is specific to BCI2000
and will be released through and documented there.
Part of the code is not specific to BCI2000 and hence will be
released and documented at the FieldTrip wiki. Keep an eye on the
FieldTrip wiki for updates on this.

best regards,

Robert Oostenveld, PhD
F.C. Donders Centre for Cognitive Neuroimaging
Radboud University Nijmegen
phone: +31-24-3619695

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