clusterrandanalysis input format

Eric Maris maris at NICI.RU.NL
Thu Sep 20 21:16:49 CEST 2007

Hi Rodrigo,

I am new to fieldtrip and I am working with intracortical data. I have never
used any function of fieldtrip and I would like to use clusterrandanalysis.m
using my own data format. I cannot find a clear description of the input
needed for that function. Can someone quickly describe the input format or
even send me an example of input data?

I'm afraid that this is not possible. You first have to run preprocessing.m
on your raw data (as produced by your acquisition system) and then
timelockanalysis.m or freqanalysis.m (depending on whether you want to test
evoked responses or induced oscillatory activity). Clusterrandanalysis is
the last step. (For an analysis over subjects, you also have to run
timelockgrandaverage.m or freqgrandaverage.m.)

My advice is to only use Fieldtrip if you want to invest some time in it.
The reward is an extremely versatile set of data analysis tools.

Have look at our tutorials.

Good luck,

Eric Maris




Rodrigo F. Salazar, Ph.D

Post-doctoral Fellow

Lewis Hall 1,

Center for Computational Biology

Montana State University

Bozeman, 59717 MT, USA

Phone: ++1 (406) 994 71 90,

Fax: ++1 (406) 994 74 38

email: rsalazar at



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