McAuley, Grant (LLU) gmcauley at LLU.EDU
Wed Mar 14 20:32:51 CET 2007

I am seeing an error in FREQANALYSIS (see output below).  It seems centered around the 'cfg.tapper' field.  I have tried 'dpss', 'hanning' (output below), and 'sine' (which gives an Out of Memory Error).  (Not sure where to find info on WINDOW). 

My data is in a structure as described here:
(How can I import my own dataformat?)

Relevant MATLAB output is below.

Pardon me if I am missing something obvious - this is new territory for me.  Any ideas on what might be the problem?

% my data structure with example values
>> hv1_69

hv1_69 = 

      label: {2x1 cell}
    fsample: 200
      trial: {[2x48528 double]}
       time: {[1x48529 double]}

>> hv1_69.trial{1}(1,1:5)

ans =

    4.9460    4.2540    1.9510    0.0820    0.6380

>> hv1_69.time{1}(1,1:5)

ans =

         0    0.0050    0.0100    0.0150    0.0200

% here are cfg values
>> cfg

cfg = 

       output: 'pow'
       method: 'mtmfft'
    tapsmofrq: 4
          pad: 'maxperlen'
        taper: 'dpss'
       foilim: [0 100]

>> [freq] = freqanalysis(cfg, hv1_69);
??? Undefined function or method 'dpss' for input arguments of type 'double'.

Error in ==> freqanalysis_mtmfft>double_dpss at 560
tap = dpss(double(a), double(b), varargin{:});

Error in ==> freqanalysis_mtmfft at 387
      tap = double_dpss(numdatbns,numdatbns*(cfg.tapsmofrq./data.fsample))';

Error in ==> freqanalysis at 193
[freq] = feval(sprintf('freqanalysis_ü·¢xÞ',lower(cfg.method)), cfg, data);

% try different 'cfg.taper' value
>> cfg.taper = 'hanning';
>> [freq] = freqanalysis(cfg, hv1_69);
??? Undefined function or method 'window' for input arguments of type 'char'.

Error in ==> freqanalysis_mtmfft at 393
      tap = window(cfg.taper, numdatbns)';

Error in ==> freqanalysis at 193
[freq] = feval(sprintf('freqanalysis_ü·¢xÞ',lower(cfg.method)), cfg, data);

%MATLAB version
>> version

ans = (R2006b)

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