Mex File error during call to eeg_leadfield
Robert Oostenveld
r.oostenveld at FCDONDERS.RU.NL
Wed Jul 25 14:31:53 CEST 2007
On 23 Jul 2007, at 18:54, Jared Van Snellenberg wrote:
> Thanks Robert, that appears to have worked. I'm on a 32-bit windows
> machine, using r2007a. Does it perhaps matter that I'm on a dual-
> core processor? At any rate, 'mex plgndr.c' created plgndr.mexw32,
> which did not exist in the /private directory of the fieldtrip
> download, so perhaps it should be included?
For older matlab versions, the mex files for windows had the
extension *.dll. For later version (I don't know exactly from which
version onward), they have the extensions mexw32 and mexw64 for 32
and 64 bit windows platforms respectively. Furthermore, mex files
tend to be compatible over many matlab versions. It seems that our
(old) mex files are not compatible any more with your (new) matlab
version. I will modify the packaging and ftp release scripts so that
the source code for all mex files (plus the associated c code) will
also be included in the zip file. Then people are always able to
recompile them for their specific platform.
PS See
for the mex files and
for a general description of compatibility issues in matlab.
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