2 simple questions

Andres Posada Andres.Posada at PSE.UNIGE.CH
Tue Jul 17 16:21:00 CEST 2007

Hi all,

I am just starting to use FieldTrip, fantastic program and very easy to use.
I am doing the tutorial but I am blocked in two different places:
First, how I can prepocess (filter, baseline, etc) already saved data? I use
manual artifact rejection and I save the data ('save PreprocDataClean dataFIC').
Now when I want to filter and baseline this data, I cannot access them
(variable in matlab or a matlab file) with the commands:

cfg = []; 
cfg.datafile    = 'PreprocDataClean.mat'; (?)
cfg.blc        = 'yes';                        % apply baseline correction
cfg.blcwindow  = [-0.2 0];                     % baseline: -0.2 sec to 0
cfg.lpfilter   = 'yes';                        % apply lowpass filter
cfg.lpfreq     = 35;                           % lowpass at 35 Hz.
dataFIC        = preprocessing(cfg);   

The other problem, when I try to do the tutorial of beamforming, with the
mri data of the subject01 (available online) there is a SPM bug! My version
of Matlab is (R14) Service Pack 1 and I use SMP2 (last update).

The commands:

mri = read_fcdc_mri('Subject01.mri');
cfg                 = [];
cfg.name            = 'segment';
cfg.write           = 'yes';
cfg.coordinates     = 'ctf';
[segmentedmri]      = volumesegment(cfg, mri);    

and the bug is:

Warning: Cant get default Analyze orientation - assuming flipped
> In spm_flip_analyze_images at 9
  In spm_create_vol>create_vol at 193
  In spm_create_vol at 14
  In spm_write_vol at 76
  In fieldtrip-20070701\private\volumewrite_spm at 62
  In volumesegment at 222
  In temp at 6
performing the segmentation on the specified volume

    * - SPM2: spm_vol  -------------------------------------------------

        Error reading information on:
        Please check that it is in the correct format.

        -----------------------------------------  15:49:03 - 17/07/2007

??? Error using ==> spm_vol>subfunc1
Can't get volume information for '/home/common/matlab/spm2/templates/T1.mnc'

Error in ==> spm_vol>subfunc2 at 51
	V = subfunc1(P);

Error in ==> spm_vol at 37
V = subfunc2(P);

Error in ==> spm_segment>get_affine_mapping at 226
if ~isempty(VG) & ischar(VG), VG = spm_vol(VG); end;

Error in ==> spm_segment>init_sp at 567
MM          = get_affine_mapping(VF,PG,flags.affreg);

Error in ==> spm_segment at 91
SP         = init_sp(flags.estimate,VF,PG);

Error in ==> volumesegment at 246

Error in ==> temp at 6
[segmentedmri]      = volumesegment(cfg, mri);

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