combineplanar for 275-ch CTF data

jan-mathijs schoffelen jan.schoffelen at FCDONDERS.RU.NL
Tue Dec 4 14:44:35 CET 2007

Dear Dasha,

In order to compute the planar gradient of the magnetic field at the
position of a given axial gradiometer, you always have to take the
axial gradient of the magnetic field, measured by a bunch of
neighbouring gradiometers, into account. I guess that the order in
which you want to do things does not make sense in this context.
First, you select a subset of sensors, and then you transform to the
planar gradient. I would call megplanar without the subset of
channels, and only select the subset of channels after having called



On Dec 4, 2007, at 2:25 PM, Daria Osipova wrote:

> Hi
> I am trying to analyze 275-channel data but having trouble with
> combineplanar. I want to calculate planar gradient for posterior
> channels only (86 channels) and here's my configuration:
> cfg = [];
> = channelselection({'MLO', 'MRO', 'MRP', 'MLP', 'MZP',
> 'MZO'}, data.label);
> cfg.planarmethod = 'sincos';
> data_planar = megplanar(cfg, data);
> comb =combineplanar([], data_planar);
> data_planar.label contains 361 channels i.e. it includes 86*2=172
> channels for which planar gradient has been calculated and the rest
> of the channels in the original non-planar form.
> When I use combineplanar, I get 322 channels some of which are the
> orginal non-planar channels, some are the result of the combined
> planar gradient and some are not combined planar gradient.
> I suspect this has something to do with checking for the layout
> (151 or 275 channels) since the same scheme seems to work ok for
> the old 151 -channel dataset.
> Thanks in advance.
> Bests, Dasha
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