clusterrandanalysis questions

Sameer Walawalkar sameer at ANDREW.CMU.EDU
Fri Aug 17 20:25:30 CEST 2007

Thanks Eric for your email,

Given below is the info you have asked.


cfg = [];
     cfg.channelcmb = ['MEG1833' 'MEG'];
     cfg.statistic = 'indepsamplesZcoh' ;
     cfg.alphathres = 0.05 ;
     cfg.alpha = 0.05 ;
     cfg.clusterteststat = 'maxsum' ;
     cfg.onetwo = 'onesided_1<2' ;
     cfg.makeclusters = 'yes' ;
     cfg.minnbchan  = 2;
     cfg.nranddraws = 500;

     [clusrand] = clusterrandanalysis(cfg, CSD1 , CSD2);

screen O/P

Selecting and formatting the data.
selected 511 channelcombinations
selected 1 time bins
selected 13 frequency bins
Calculating the neighbourhood structure of the channels.
Obtaining the gradiometer configuration from the first dataset.
Running the statistics engine.
Statistic-specific preprocessing (calculating critical values,
initializing draws from the randomization distribution, ...).
randomization 0 500
randomization 499 500
randomization 500 500

clusrand =

                       stats: [205x13 double]
                   raweffect: [205x13 double]
                   obsmeanc1: [205x13 double]
                   obsmeanc2: [205x13 double]
                 posclusters: [1x7 struct]
                 negclusters: []
         posclusterslabelmat: [205x13 double]
         negclusterslabelmat: []
                    critvals: 204.1906
                    labelcmb: {205x2 cell}
                        freq: [6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30]
                        time: NaN
                         cfg: [1x1 struct]

On Thu, 16 Aug 2007, Eric Maris wrote:

> Dear Sameer,
>> 1)   cfg.onetwo = 'onesided_2<1'  vs  cfg.onetwo = 'onesided_1<2
>>> From my understanding, it seems that one sided tests only look for
>> positive clusters i.e. the test statistic higher than cfg.alphathresh.
>> Thus clusters showing up as posclusters for coherence difference in one
>> case should not show up at all in the other. Yet, both the tests seem to
>> give me same clusters.
> If this is the case, then there is an error in the code. Can you send me
> your config and screen output of clusterrandanalysis?
>> 2)   using cfg.onetwo = twosided I should get clusters which in some
>> way are union of the two sets above. Yet, I seem to get completely
>> different clusters, sometimes with  nothing in common between twosided and
>> onsesided tests.
> The clusters with the twosided-option should NOT be the union of the
> clusters with the two onesided options. This is because the thresholding
> values with the twosided-option are at cfg.alphathresh/2 and
> (1-cfg.alphathresh/2), whereas for the two onesided options they should be
> at, respectively, cfg.alphathresh and (1-cfg.alphathresh).
>> 3)   Most clusters I find seem to have a high p-value. Would the
>> confidence increase if I use a different alphathresh which I think is used
>> for thresholding the Z-statistic for defining clusters. (I just realized
>> that I neglected to define cfg.alphathresh and though I could not find a
>> default value used in clusterandanalysis, the program is obviously using
>> some).
> On the basis of my experience, I do not expect a substantial influence of
> the cfg.alphathresh value on the p-values.
>> 4)   What is the motivation behind  cfg.minnbchan ? Should it be based
>> upon the neurobiological effect I am investigating?
> The motivation behind cfg.minnbchan is that some samples (i.e.,
> channel-frequency-pairs or channel-frequency-time-triplets) with a big
> sample-specific statistic may have a few neighbouring samples with also a
> big sample-specific statistic, just by chance. To "prune out" these chance
> connections, set cfg.minnbchan high (e.g., 3).
> Kind regards,
> Eric Maris
> dr. Eric Maris
> NICI/Biological Psychology and
> F.C. Donders Center for Cognitive NeuroImaging
> University of Nijmegen
> P.O. Box 9104
> 6500 HE Nijmegen
> The Netherlands
> T:+31 24 3612651 (NICI)
> T:+31 24 3610754 (FCDC)
> F:+31 24 3616066 (NICI)
> E: maris at
> MSc Cognitive Neuroscience : <>
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