definetrial crashes matlab

Sameer Walawalkar sameer at ANDREW.CMU.EDU
Wed Apr 4 15:59:21 CEST 2007

Hi Christian,

yes it does have the gradiometer and magnetometer information in it. I
could extract the inf0 using fiffaccess.

>> ls
SA_040207_One.fif  STI101.mat

>> processContinousRawdata('SA_040207_One')
>> ls
channames.mat  SA_040207_One.fif  SA_040207_One.mat  STI101.mat

>> load SA_040207_One.mat


ans =

312	250000

Thus I have all 306 MEG channels, plus eog and ekg plus the 3 stim

processContinousRawdata is essentially  (from fiffaccess)
status = 'ok';

C = [];
while strcmp(status,'ok')
     [B, status] = rawdata('next');
     %process_data(B) ;
     C = [C  B] ; % As this is just one continous recording
filename = strcat(trial,'.mat');



On Tue, 3 Apr 2007, Christian Hesse wrote:

> Hi Sameer,
> does the file you're trying to read have the gradiometer and magnetometer
> information actually in it? This seems very similar to (some of the) errors
> that Matt was reporting previously.
> Regards,
> Christian
>> I am having an instance of matlab crashing when I try to run definetrial.
>> The error message I get on my ssh client is
>> [sameer at master SA]$ Warning:magnetometer.c:223:Error reading fif-file!
>> No such file or directory
>> terminate called after throwing an instance of
>> 'MathWorks::System::_utException'
>> [1]    Abort                         matlab
>> the file clearly exists.
>> [sameer at master SA]$ ls
>> SA_040207_One.fif  STI101.mat
>> and the following  command works.
>> [STI101,SF] = rawchannels('SA_040207_One.fif','STI101');
>> I get the error message when I use
>> cfgLL =  []    ;
>> cfgLL.dataset = 'SA_040207_One.fif' ;
>> cfgLL.headerfile = 'SA_040207_One.fif' ;
>> cfgLL.datatype = 'continuous' ;
>> cfgLL.trialdef.eventtype  = 'STI101'  ;
>> cfgLL.trialdef.eventvalue = 7    ; cfgLL.trialdef.prestim = .499;
>> cfgLL.trialdef.poststim = .500;
>> cfgLL =  definetrial(cfgLL);
>> If I use a different data file instead of the one mentioned above (after
>> changing to corresponding directory), the setup shown above works, and has
>> consistently worked in the past.
>> How could i troubleshoot it?
>> thanks for your time.
>> best,
>> sameer
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Christian Hesse, PhD, MIEEE
> F.C. Donders Centre for Cognitive Neuroimaging
> P.O. Box 9101
> NL-6500 HB Nijmegen
> The Netherlands
> Tel.: +31 (0)24 36 68293
> Fax: +31 (0)24 36 10989
> Email: c.hesse at
> Web:
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------

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