covariance in timelockanalysis

Sameer Walawalkar sameer at ANDREW.CMU.EDU
Sat Apr 7 22:42:33 CEST 2007


I use the following command to run timelockanalysis to get both averages
and covariance.

cfgTLA = [];
cfgTLA.covariance = 'yes' ;
cfgTLA.covariancewindow = [.100 .300];
cov_avg = timelockanalysis(cfgTLA,data) ;

(Data actually runs from [-.499 2.0]

This returns

 	      avg: [308x2500 double]
               var: [308x2500 double]
           fsample: 1000
        numsamples: [29x1 double]
              time: [1x2500 double]
            dofvec: [1x2500 double]
             label: {308x1 cell}
            dimord: 'chan_time'
               cov: [308x308 double]
     numcovsamples: [29x1 double]
              grad: [1x1 struct]
               cfg: [1x1 struct]

however, cov_avg.cov is essentially all zeros. Is there something I am
missing here?

thanks for your time.


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