definetrial crashes matlab

Christian Hesse c.hesse at FCDONDERS.RU.NL
Tue Apr 3 09:23:57 CEST 2007

Hi Sameer,

does the file you're trying to read have the gradiometer and
magnetometer information actually in it? This seems very similar to
(some of the) errors that Matt was reporting previously.


> I am having an instance of matlab crashing when I try to run
> definetrial. The error message I get on my ssh client is
> [sameer at master SA]$ Warning:magnetometer.c:223:Error reading fif-file!
> No such file or directory
> terminate called after throwing an instance of
> 'MathWorks::System::_utException'
> [1]    Abort                         matlab
> the file clearly exists.
> [sameer at master SA]$ ls
> SA_040207_One.fif  STI101.mat
> and the following  command works.
> [STI101,SF] = rawchannels('SA_040207_One.fif','STI101');
> I get the error message when I use
> cfgLL =  []    ;
> cfgLL.dataset = 'SA_040207_One.fif' ;
> cfgLL.headerfile = 'SA_040207_One.fif' ;
> cfgLL.datatype = 'continuous' ;
> cfgLL.trialdef.eventtype  = 'STI101'  ;
> cfgLL.trialdef.eventvalue = 7    ; cfgLL.trialdef.prestim = .499;
> cfgLL.trialdef.poststim = .500;
> cfgLL =  definetrial(cfgLL);
> If I use a different data file instead of the one mentioned above
> (after changing to corresponding directory), the setup shown above
> works, and has consistently worked in the past.
> How could i troubleshoot it?
> thanks for your time.
> best,
> sameer

Christian Hesse, PhD, MIEEE

F.C. Donders Centre for Cognitive Neuroimaging
P.O. Box 9101
NL-6500 HB Nijmegen
The Netherlands

Tel.: +31 (0)24 36 68293
Fax: +31 (0)24 36 10989

Email: c.hesse at

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