[FIELDTRIP] Re : [FIELDTRIP] reading .sdq format

Jeremie MATTOUT jeremiemattout at YAHOO.FR
Thu Nov 30 10:30:34 CET 2006

Dear Robert,

thanks very much for your help and time.

I now could access and run the routines.

However, the .sqd fileformat does not seem to be supported.
I don't know if I missed something here but if not, could anyone advise me on some filter routine that would enable me to then read them in Matlab?



----- Message d'origine ----
De : Robert Oostenveld <r.oostenveld at FCDONDERS.RU.NL>
Envoyé le : Mercredi, 29 Novembre 2006, 17h20mn 26s
Objet : Re: [FIELDTRIP] Re : [FIELDTRIP] reading .sdq format

Hi Jeremie

On 29 Nov 2006, at 12:57, Jeremie MATTOUT wrote:
> The problem is that the .zip file for that format is empty.

The yokogawa zip file indeed was corrupt, but I fixed it immediately  
after your previous mail. So please try again. (I just checked, it is  
now ok)

> Actually, the lst fileio...zip is empty as well!

Ok, I'll remove that.

> I've downloaded the most recent fileio.zip available but the  
> keyval.m function was missing !?

Sorry. I'll include it in future versions. Please find the keyval  
function attached, you can put it in private.


PS version and release management is quite a lot of work, and  
sometimes stuff breaks the different versions of the modules. Thanks  
for letting me know, since it is something that I would not notice  


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