conversion problem, layout

Olga Sysoeva olga at GRAPHICMIND.INFO
Thu May 4 16:53:15 CEST 2006

Dear list member,

I've tried to follow your discussion for quit a long time and I really
sympathize implementing in Fieldtrip analyzing methods.
Unfortunately, every my previous attempts to use these methods on my
own data broke at the very beginning by the conversion data problem.
Now I have another try :-).
This time I want to convert averaged ERP files, made in BESA. I exported
them as multiplex files from BESA and  convert to fieldtrip with
besa2fieldtrip function. It  seems to work well. I also read my .sfp file
(data.elec = read_fcdc_elec('GNS64sag1.sfp');). It goes without problems but
when I wanted to plot the scalp potentials (topoplotER (cfg,
data) the error appeared "reference to non-existent field 'chanX', line 302
topoplot  and 268 topoplotER.

I had the same problem with converting my data from eeglab, too. Probably,
it is safer to create my our layout file, but I need to know the structure
of it.

Could you help me?

Best regards,


Sysoeva, PhD
Institute of Higher Nervous
Activity and Neurophysiology
Russian Academy of Sciences
5a Butlerova str.
Moscow 117485
tel.: (7-495)-3347011,

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