LORETA to Fieldtrip
Vladimir Litvak
Mon Mar 27 15:15:30 CEST 2006
Hi Robert,
I tried reading the SPM MRI file (single_subj_T1.mnc - is this the one you
meant?) but in the grid variables there are just indices in the matrix. So
how do I know the correspondence to LORETA voxels? Is there a way to put the
MNI grid there?
-----Original Message-----
From: Robert Oostenveld [mailto:r.oostenveld at fcdonders.ru.nl]
Sent: Monday, March 27, 2006 2:43 PM
To: Vladimir Litvak
Subject: Re: Clusterrandanalysis
> The question is - can we build a gateway for reading LORETA files
> in FT and
> applying the same statistics as you use for the beamformer?
> This
> shouldn't be something very complicated I think. The only problem
> is that
> LORETA uses a grid of 2394 voxels which are only in the gray matter
> (so
> there are some holes there) and it would probably be necessary to
> do some
> smoothing. Also one must write a routine for transforming from
> LORETA grid
> to your grid (based on Tailarach coordinates of the voxels).
I once started with implementing LORETA myself in sourceanalysis, but
never finished it. I don't consider LORETA to be too interesting for
MEG, although I do appreciate it's usefullness for EEG. I have been
in contact a couple of times with Roberto Pasqual-Marqui, and he told
me some of the details.
LORETA is using plain SPM/MNI coordinates, which can also be used in
FT. The holes can be dealt with in FT by specifying NaNs as
source.avg.pow, [] as source.avg.mom, and by specifying the right
source.inside and source.outside vector (those are indices specifying
which voxels are inside the brain, or inside the gray matter if you
Writing a LORETA importer should be trivial, but I am not going to do
it myself. Please point the grad student to
and tell him to use volume.inside and volume.outside to "fill" the
non-gray matter so that the data fits into a 3D box.
Also do
addpath spm2
volume = read_fcdc_mri(filename)
with filename being the canonical MRI from SPM (the collin27 one).
That should belp in getting it alligned with the proper
transformation matrix.
Once you can read a single LORETA volume into FT, then you can repeat
it for all subjects and do your statistics. Please address further
questions regarding this topic to the mailing list.
PS I don't think that you want to smooth, our source clustering is
aware of the grey/white matter differences (given the correct inside/
outside specification).
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