Missing minimumnormestimate etc

Mikhail Zvyagintsev MZvyagintsev at UKAACHEN.DE
Mon Jun 26 13:15:34 CEST 2006

Dear Robert,
Thank you for this encouragement. I was working with LORETA from Pasqual
Marqui only with EEG data. I hope it will help me to be useful with
fixing bugs.

MZvyagintsev at UKAachen.de

Robert Oostenveld wrote:

> Dear Mikhail
> My loreta implementation still has some problems and is not 100%
> correct. I first want to fix it before I release it. If you know how
> to work with KEY-LORETA (the software from Pasqual Marqui) and could
> compare the two implementations, you could get a pre-release version
> and help fix the bugs.
> Robert

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