Missing minimumnormestimate etc

Mikhail Zvyagintsev MZvyagintsev at UKAACHEN.DE
Thu Jun 22 18:08:43 CEST 2006

Dear Robert,

Would be also nice to have an implementaion of LORETA approach for
source analysis from your in-house software. I would appreciate if you
could send it to me as well.

Best regards,

Mikhail Zvyagintsev

MZvyagintsev at UKAachen.de

Robert Oostenveld wrote:

> Dear Stefan,
> The SOURCEANALYSIS function is used as wrapper for various
> distributed or scanning inverse approaches, and DIPOLEFITTING is used
> for underdetermined model fitting to the data. The only underlying
> functions for SOURCEANALYSIS that are released on the ftp server are
> the lcmv and the dics beamformer methods. The functions that you
> refer to are implemented in our in-house version of FieldTrip but
> have not been tested thouroughly. I can give you a pre-release if you
> are willing to aid in the testing of those functions.
> best regards,
> Robert

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