Missing minimumnormestimate etc

Robert Oostenveld r.oostenveld at FCDONDERS.RU.NL
Thu Jun 22 09:31:10 CEST 2006

Dear Stefan,

The SOURCEANALYSIS function is used as wrapper for various
distributed or scanning inverse approaches, and DIPOLEFITTING is used
for underdetermined model fitting to the data. The only underlying
functions for SOURCEANALYSIS that are released on the ftp server are
the lcmv and the dics beamformer methods. The functions that you
refer to are implemented in our in-house version of FieldTrip but
have not been tested thouroughly. I can give you a pre-release if you
are willing to aid in the testing of those functions.

best regards,

On 21 Jun 2006, at 23:07, Stefan Rampp wrote:

> Hi everyone,
> I was just trying to do source localization of epilepsy MEG data
> using mne, however, it appears that some functions are missing:
> minimumnormestimate, music, loreta and rv are used in
> sourceanalysis.m, but I can't find the implementations (and neither
> can matlab). Do I need to download additional libraries/toolboxes?
> Thank you,
> Stefan Rampp.
> Epilepsycenter Erlangen
> Germany

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