and clusterrandomization

Olga Sysoeva olga at GRAPHICMIND.INFO
Sat Jun 3 14:16:57 CEST 2006

Thank you very much, Eric!
That was an inconsistency in the loci of EOG channels between subjects. Now
I corrected it: HEOG and VEOG data are still presented in the data
structure, but do not have the location (pnt 0 0 0). Is it OK? The results
looks as what I excpected.
Best Regards,

----- Original Message -----
From: "Eric Maris" <maris at NICI.RU.NL>
Sent: Friday, May 26, 2006 5:35 PM
Subject: Re: [FIELDTRIP] and clusterrandomization

> Dear Olga,
> But the problems is still in my clusterrandomization.
> Could the fact that the order of the channel in the file (C_vc11.label) is
> not the same as in the C_vc11.elec.label influences the result of
> clusterrandomization (I do not have my neigbouring channel file)?
> That should not matter. However, the labels in your data structure (.label
> in the output of timelockgrandaverage) should exactly match the labels in
> the elec-structure. If that is OK, then something might have gone wrong
> with the combination of the data of the different subjects. Do they all
> have the same elec-structure? If the same physical channel has different
> labels for different subjects, then this may create inconsistencies
> between EEGlab and Fieldtrip. For Fieldtrip, channels that have the same
> label are assumed to be physically identical, even if they are in
> different positions in the data structure. This is only a guess, of
> course.
> kind regards,
> Eric Maris
> Best Regards,
> Olga.
>  ----- Original Message -----
>  From: Ingrid Nieuwenhuis
>  Sent: Wednesday, May 24, 2006 8:45 PM
>  Subject: Re: [FIELDTRIP] clusterrandomization on 3D-data within-subject
>  Hi Olga,
>  About the z-param:
>  This is the field that contains the data to be plotted; for instance
> 'avg', 'powspctrm' or 'cohspctrm'. Normally the function looks in your
> data.dimord to find out which z-param to use. To make the function work
> you could give cfg.zparam = 'avg' (for instance if you want to plot an
> ERF/ERP). But if you could send me what the dimord field of the data that
> you want to plot is, I could look why the plot functions don't extract the
> correct zparam themselves.
>  About the timelockgranaveraging: I also think it should be the same. I
> have no idea what it could be.
>  Good luck,
>  Ingrid Nieuwenhuis
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>  From: FieldTrip discussion list [mailto:FIELDTRIP at NIC.SURFNET.NL] On
> Behalf Of Olga Sysoeva
>  Sent: Wednesday, May 24, 2006 5:44 PM
>  Subject: Re: [FIELDTRIP] clusterrandomization on 3D-data within-subject
>  Dear List member,
>  Sorry for such dull questions but,
>  I am again facing the new problems with Fieldtrip, although did not solve
> some previous one (still can not singleplot and multiplot anything 'cause
> of "unknown zparam field".
>  OK, about new one :-)
>  It seems that I did not use write the timelockgranaveraging.
>   The problem must be here, when I made grand averaging of all my 11
> subject
>   data
>                    cfg =[];
>                     cfg.keepindividual = 'yes'
>                     C_vc11  =
> timelockgrandaverage(cfg,vc_c_avg1,vc_c_avg2,vc_c_avg3,vc_c_avg4,vc_c_avg5,
> vc_c_avg6,vc_c_avg7,vc_c_avg8,vc_c_avg9,vc_c_avg10,vc_c_avg11 );
>  As I understand the
>  vc_c_avg11.avg([9],[43]) should be similar with C_vc11.individual ([11],
> [9], [43])
>  But it is not.
>  What can it be?
>  Best Regards,
>  Olga.
>    ----- Original Message -----
>    From: Olga Sysoeva
>    Sent: Saturday, May 13, 2006 4:34 PM
>    Subject: Re: [FIELDTRIP] clusterrandomization on 3D-data within-subject
>    Thank you very much, Lilla!
>    Now I knwo what to do but faced the problem with " unknown zparam
> field" when ploting the results. Unfortunatly cfg.zparam does not
> discribed in help file...
>    Best Regards, Olga
>      ----- Original Message -----
>      From: Lilla Magyari
>      Sent: Saturday, May 13, 2006 3:11 PM
>      Subject: Re: [FIELDTRIP] clusterrandomization on 3D-data
> within-subject
>      Dear Olga,
>      I am just studying time-frequency analysis but I have done already on
> my data, so perhaps I can help you.
>      First, yes, you have to do freqanalysis on the preprocessed data of
> the individual subjects for all conditions that you want to compare (i.e.
> the input for this function contains all trials from one subject in one
> condition.) And it is also important that the other input for this
> function is the cfg where for example, in the cfg.method you have to
> specify what kind of time-frequency analysis you want to use. (You have to
> write 'wltconvol' for wavelet transformation and 'mltconvol' for
> multitaper analysis.)
>      When you use freqanalysis as output you can get TFR for one subject
> in one condition (but it is also possible to keep the information for the
> individual trials of the condition by specifying cfg.keeptrials = 'yes').
> When you have the TFRs for each subject you can grandaverage them with
> freqgrandaverage where the input is the TFRs of all subjects (and before
> averaging you can use also freqbaseline for giving a baseline for your
> TFRs).
>      I hope it helps.
>      Best regards,
>      Lilla Magyari
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
>      From: FieldTrip discussion list [mailto:FIELDTRIP at NIC.SURFNET.NL] On
> Behalf Of Olga Sysoeva
>      Sent: Saturday, May 13, 2006 9:28 AM
>      Subject: [FIELDTRIP] clusterrandomization on 3D-data within-subject
>      Dear list members,
>      Thank you everybody for your help! I've already got interesting
> results using clusterrandomization on my data! Thanks a lot!
>      Now I have a question about using the clusterrandomization on 3-D
> data (channel-time-frequency) in within-subject analysis.
>      As I understand it is possible with Fieldtrip, but I really newby in
> time-frequency anlysis, therefore wanted your comments,
>      as far as I didn't find the example of the application of
> clusteranalysis on this set of the data in tuturial.
>      I successfully conduct the within-subject clusterrandomization on my
> grand-average data, which does not have the third, frequency demintion.
>      Now I want to add it. But I could not apply freqanalyisis on
> grandavarage data, could I? Should I made the TFR of individual data and
> than grand-avarage the result?
>      Which function should I use?
>      Best Regards,
>      Olga.

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