Muthuraman Muthuraman muthuraman10 at HOTMAIL.COM
Mon Jul 17 16:12:14 CEST 2006


Thankyou for pointing out errors
now i am able to calculate the Grid values
but when i wanted to use the source analysis for the freqmtmwelch

using headmodel specified in the configuration
using electrodes specified in the configuration
42 dipoles inside, 18 dipoles outside brain

I get the error

??? Reference to non-existent field 'cumtapcnt'.

Error in ==> fieldtrip-20060712\private\prepare_freq_matrices at 124
  Ntrials = length(freq.cumtapcnt);

Error in ==> sourceanalysis at 663
    [Cf, Cr, Pr, Ntrials, cfg] = prepare_freq_matrices(cfg, data);

when i use the mtmfft i get the cumtapcnt values
but not when using the mtmwelch is this a problem in the mtmwelch
or i am doing something wrong

Please go through it

thanking you

with regards

>From: Robert Oostenveld <r.oostenveld at FCDONDERS.RU.NL>
>Reply-To: FieldTrip discussion list <FIELDTRIP at NIC.SURFNET.NL>
>Subject: Re: [FIELDTRIP] DICS
>Date: Fri, 14 Jul 2006 11:37:47 +0200
>On 13 Jul 2006, at 13:11, Muthuraman Muthuraman wrote:
>>using headmodel specified in the configuration
>>??? Error using ==> fprintf
>>Function is not defined for 'struct' inputs.
>>Error in ==> fieldtrip-20060712\private\prepare_vol_sens at 310
>>  fprintf('reading electrodes from file %s\n', cfg.elecfile);
>You should specify either cfg.elecfile with a string (filename) or
>cfg.elec with a structure (i.e. cfg.elec.pnt and cfg.elec.label)
>>I get error
>>using headmodel specified in the configuration
>>using electrodes specified in the configuration
>>??? Error using ==> delaunayn
>>Not enough unique points to do tessellation.
>>Error in ==> delaunay at 49
>>    tri = delaunayn([x(:) y(:)]);
>>Error in ==> fieldtrip-20060712\private\prepare_vol_sens at 330
>>  elec.tri   = delaunay(elec.prj(:,1), elec.prj(:,2));
>>Error in ==> prepare_leadfield at 179
>>[vol, sens, cfg] = prepare_vol_sens(cfg, data);
>That indicates that less than 3 electrodes were selected. Probably  there
>is a mismatch between the channel names in the data and the  names of the
>electrodes. FT selects the channels and electrodes based  on the
>corresponding labels, if they do not correspond then no
>channels+electrodes are selected.

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