
Robert Oostenveld r.oostenveld at FCDONDERS.RU.NL
Wed Feb 22 10:23:11 CET 2006

Dear Kambiz,

I was away for a few days, otherwise I would have pointed this out to
you and JM before: I recently got a patch from Tom Holroyd which
exactly fixes this problem in the low level trigger reading code.

I have applied the patch to the inhouse version, however, the ftp
version of fieldtrip is currently slightly lagging behind. I hope to
have the ftp version up to date again by the end of the week. Please
find attached an updated read_fcdc_event an a read_ctf_trigger (which
goes into the private subdir). These should return the trigger
information for your new electronics.

best regards,

PS could you perhaps send me a dataset with the new trigger channels?
I have not been able to test the code since I was not able to test
the code since we don't have the new eelctronics. If you would not
mind, please put it on and/or
send me a direct mail.

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On 17-feb-2006, at 14:07, Kambiz Tavabi wrote:

> Dear Jan,
> This is not a practical workaround!  I have already too many datasets
> extricated according to conditions from the raw continuous
> datasets.  What I
> am trying to do with fcdc_event is an intermediary step in order to
> implement the TF analysis capabilities in FieldTrip.  As I understand
> FIELDTRIP was written around the CTF format and considering
> read_fcdc.... is
> a low level operation I don't see why I need to use NewDs to meet a
> demand
> imposed by FIELDTRIP.
> Thanks,
> Kambiz

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