neuromag data and lead fields for sensors

Tolga Ozkurt tolgacan1 at YAHOO.COM
Sat Feb 4 21:47:18 CET 2006

Hello all,
I have just downloaded Fieldtrip and trying use it with data collected
from Neuromag 306 Vectorview system. When I used the version of fieldtrip-
20060131; I had some problems even with reading data and I had to make
some minor changes in the code mentioned in the pervious post of the list.
The main problem of me is how to compute the lead field with Neuromag
data? The fieldtrip gives me orientation values which are exactly same for
the same coil. Haw can I exploit these orientation of the sensors for two
planar gradiometers and one magneteometer for each coil? I will
appreciate, if you could help. Thanks.

Tolga Esat Ozkurt

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