
Kambiz Tavabi kambiz.tavabi at UNI-MUENSTER.DE
Wed Feb 22 11:44:41 CET 2006

Dear Robert,
I received an email from Dr. Holroyd describing implementation of his patch;
I just haven't gotten around to it.  Nonetheless, I appreciate the updated
function files!
As per your request I have uploaded the
'A0132_Aud-Obj-Recognition_20051115_02.ds' dataset in the incoming folder in
the Donders FTP.  It is a passive auditory dataset with an acoustic trigger
on parallel port 1 used for event timing and 4 different stimuli coded on
port two; the data is recorded with 3rd order gradient balancing.  I have
attached a dsinfo output of the data for your convenience.

All the best,

-----Original Message-----
From: FieldTrip discussion list [mailto:FIELDTRIP at NIC.SURFNET.NL] On Behalf
Of Robert Oostenveld
Sent: Wednesday, February 22, 2006 10:23 AM
Subject: Re: [FIELDTRIP] read_fcdc_event

Dear Kambiz,

I was away for a few days, otherwise I would have pointed this out to
you and JM before: I recently got a patch from Tom Holroyd which
exactly fixes this problem in the low level trigger reading code.

I have applied the patch to the inhouse version, however, the ftp
version of fieldtrip is currently slightly lagging behind. I hope to
have the ftp version up to date again by the end of the week. Please
find attached an updated read_fcdc_event an a read_ctf_trigger (which
goes into the private subdir). These should return the trigger
information for your new electronics.

best regards,

PS could you perhaps send me a dataset with the new trigger channels?
I have not been able to test the code since I was not able to test
the code since we don't have the new eelctronics. If you would not
mind, please put it on and/or
send me a direct mail.

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