Within-subject coherence statististics for virtual sources

Lorina Naci lorina_naci at YAHOO.CO.UK
Fri Dec 8 13:00:45 CET 2006

Dear Jan Mathijs and co,

thanks for following up with my queries. I feel very close to getting my result barring a few difficulties.

    > From the other statfun_xxx functions in the fieldtrip ‘private’
> folder, I thought that the statfun_depsamplesT would be more
> appropriate for calculating the t statistic for my two conditions.
> However, when I modify my script by substituting cfg.statistic =
> ‘diff’ for cfg.statistic = ‘depsamplesT’ and run it, it crashes.

could you be a bit more specific about why it crashes? Theoretically it shouldn't crash, but I am not aware of the intricacies of the function.

  I have run the script (attached) several times and get slightly different errors each time. The last error version i get is 'Segmentation violation occurred within signal handler. Unable to complete stack trace; stack was probably corrupted.' Any hints as to what this may mean? I've also attached here my data structures (6 subjects, two conditions (XM, Vis) each), just in case.

  >It might be worthwhile to check whether there is a statfun_paired-tstat in the release-version, >which should do the same trick.

  I did look into the most recent version of Fieldtrip (07.12.2006) and don't think this function is available.

  Many thanks,

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