Dipole modeling & averaged CTF data

Kambiz Tavabi kambiz.tavabi at UNI-MUENSTER.DE
Wed Aug 2 12:03:26 CEST 2006

Dear FieldTrippers,
I am relatively ignorant with MATLAB and even more so with FIELDTRIP.
With that said I would like to implement ECD modeling with preprocessed
averaged CTF MEG data for the evoked gamma auditory response using
MNI-aligned grids in individual head-space for the dipole scans.
For starting I am beginning with the following example scripts from the
FT-Docs; Fit a dipole to the tactile ERF after mechanical stimulation &
Create MNI-aligned grids in individual head-space. So far I am facing
these issues:
(i) Since I am working with averaged data I would like to skip the
TIMELOCKANALYSIS, however when I do so I cannot get the butterfly plot
of the ERF because I am unable to pass 'time' & 'avg' to
plot(1000*avg.time, avg.avg) directly from data.trial:{[274x150 double]}
or data.time:{[1x150 double]}, since function 'mtimes' is not defined
for values of class 'cell'.
(ii) I proceed to use TIMELOCKANALYSIS and obtain the avg structure using...
cfg.channel = 'MEG';
cfg.latancy = ['prestim' 'poststim'];
cfg.covariance = 'no';
cfg.blcovariance = 'no';
cfg.keeptrials = 'yes';
cfg.normalizevar = 'N';
cfg.removemean = 'no';
cfg.vartrllength = 2;
cfg.vartrllength = 2;
avg = timelockanalysis(cfg, data);
getting the warning Warning: Divide by zero.
In timelockanalysis at 536 since I only have one trial.
The butterfly plot now looks reasonable. To fit dipoles I use...
cfg = [];
cfg.latency = [0.045 0.120];
cfg.numdipoles = 2;
cfg.symmetry = [];
cfg.hdmfile = 'A0109.hdm';
cfg.feedback = 'textbar';
cfg.resolution = 2;
dipeGBR = dipolefitting(cfg, avg);
and I get...
??? Error using ==> dipolefitting
dipole scanning is only possible for a single dipole or a symmetric
dipole pair.
 From what I understand I am using symmetric dipoles, which is fine to
begin with but ultimately I would like to used two regional sources free
of the symmetry constraint.
What are my options?
Thanks for your time.
Kambiz Tavabi, Dipl. Psych., MS.

Institute for Biomagnetism and Biosignalanalysis
Muenster University Hospital

Malmedyweg 15
D-48149 Muenster

phone:   +49-(0)251-83-56884
fax:     +49-(0)251-83-56874
e-Mail: Kambiz.Tavabi at uni-muenster.de

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