clusterrandanalysis on scalar values + problem with topoplotER

Robert Oostenveld r.oostenveld at FCDONDERS.RU.NL
Tue Aug 29 23:46:25 CEST 2006

Dear Marco

On 23 Aug 2006, at 14:53, Eric Maris wrote:
>> 2) Is there a way to compute the null distribution by considering  
>> all possible reassignments of the conditions instead of the Monte  
>> Carlo approximation - in this case it would be feasible because  
>> all possible reassignments should be 2^9, right?
> This is not possible with clusterrandanalysis. However, this is  
> possible with one of the new statistics functions in Fieldtrip that  
> will replace both clusterrandanalysis and sourcestatistics. The  
> function of interest for you is timelockstatistics, and you should  
> have a look at the help information for the lower-level function  
> statistics_montecarlo (which is called by timelockstatistics).  
> However, provided that you use more than 500 draws from the  
> permutation distribution, don’t expect major changes in the output.
We have an in-house version of fieldtrip, and an external FTP  
version. The in-house version is always slightly more advanced than  
the external version. Even though the timelockstatistics function was  
already included in recent external fieldtrip versions (the daily zip  
files) on the Donders FTP server, I just noticed that the underlying  
statistics_montecarlo function that Eric is referring to was still  
missing from the zip file. I have now also tagged that function (and  
some further subfunctions on which it depends) to be released in the  
external fieldtrip release. You should be able to use the  
timelockstatistics function with both the montecarlo and the complete  
permutation (cfg.numrandomization='all') based estimaes for the  
cluster statistics.

I hope it works with the new function, if not then don't hesitate to  
contact us.


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