besa2fieldtrip problems

Stephan Bickel stephan.bickel at ANATOM.UNIZH.CH
Sat Apr 1 02:02:44 CEST 2006


I have problems importing tfc-files into fieldtrip.
I exported time-frequency transformations from BESA (to tfc-files) and tried
to import them into fieldtrip with the besa2fieldtrip function. I always get
get an error-message. 

I am using the fieldtrip version 'fieldtrip-20060330'.

this is what I did:

cd ('G:\EEG_data\exports\');
% this is the list of BESA datafiles in one condition
filename_A = {
% this is the list of BESA datafiles in the other condition
filename_B = {
nsubj = length(filename_B);
% collect all single subject data in a cell-array
for i= 1:nsubj
  B{i} = besa2fieldtrip(filename_B{i});
  A{i} = besa2fieldtrip(filename_A{i});

and this is the error-message:

>> for i= 1:nsubj
  B{i} = besa2fieldtrip(filename_B{i});
  A{i} = besa2fieldtrip(filename_A{i});
??? Error using ==> colon
First and last colon operands must be char.

Error in ==> fieldtrip-20060330\private\read_besa_tfc at 73
Time =

Error in ==> besa2fieldtrip at 81
  [ChannelLabels, Time, Frequency, Data, Info] = read_besa_tfc(filename);

I might have made some stupid mistake but can anyone see what went wrong?

Thanks very much for your help,


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