Reading continuous data files - chanindx error

Robert Oostenveld r.oostenveld at FCDONDERS.RU.NL
Sun Apr 23 22:33:01 CEST 2006

Hi Eric, hi Tom,

Since we are not using the new electronics and the new trigger
channels at the FCDC, this never has been a problem for us, luckily
Tom has experience with it. We are currently in the process of
rewriting the read_fcdc_header/data/event functions, and I am
planning to make the different trigger types in the new CTF
dataformat explicitely available under the name of the channel. So
instead of a "backpanel trigger" and "frontpanel trigger", there will
be a "STIM" event, a  "UPPT001" event and similar events for all
trigger channels (i.e. based on the type code).


On 22 Apr 2006, at 1:43, Tom Holroyd wrote:

>> I have triggers on UPPT002 according to DataEditor.
> Ah, that's the problem.  If you look in
> 	fieldtrip/private/read_ctf_trigger.m
> you'll see that it only checks the 001 and STIM channels.  You
> could just change the UPPT001 to UPPT002, and it'll work.
> There should be a better general solution to this, but I don't know
> what it is.  Internally all the stim channels have a type code, and
> we could make an array that indexes all the stim channels that way,
> instead of the chain of ifs used at present.

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