subplots in topolotER and comment

Ingrid Nieuwenhuis ingrid.nieuwenhuis at FCDONDERS.RU.NL
Wed Apr 19 11:01:47 CEST 2006

I'm trying to make a figure with 15 subplots with topoplotER. However, the 
comment is not placed in the right position (see ataached figure). For a 
subplot it would be nice if the comment would be printed above the plot. 
Also, is it possible to only plot my own comment, and not plot the 
xlim (time)=[0 0.05]
ylim (freq)=[3 6]
zlim (powspctrm)=[-2e-28 2e-28]
Because so much comment is a bit to much in a subplot, only the time would 
be enough. 

Thanks a lot,

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