CTF reading routines now GPL

Maniar, Hiren maniar at CSHL.EDU
Tue Mar 15 19:49:00 CET 2005

Hi Robert, 

Many thanks for the quick clarification. Do appreciate it. 



-----Original Message-----
From: FieldTrip discussion list on behalf of Robert Oostenveld
Sent: Tue 03/15/05 11:50 AM
Subject: Re: [FIELDTRIP] CTF reading routines now GPL
> I write in reference to the 2 script files you sent us, read_ctf_res4 
> & read_ctf_meg4. In read_ctf_res4, lines 230-234 & 254-258 apparently 
> correct for some mis-oriented sensors. The question is whether it 
> holds true for all CTF installations or simply the one at Donders? 
> Would appreciate a clarification on this point.  Thanks.

Hi Hiren,

No, it is not specific for the FCDC system. The res4 files of the 275 
channel CTF system installed at the NIH also requires that the coil 
orientation of some (~130 of the 275) MEG sensors have to be flipped.

Note that it does not affect the recorded data, but only the forward 
computed model-data in FieldTrip. I don't know how it is handeled in 
the CTF dipolefitting or SAM software itself, perhaps there is also a 
flag in the res4 header which I am not aware of that indicates whether 
the coil orientation is flipped.


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