parametric modulation of power

Floris de Lange floris.delange at FCDONDERS.RU.NL
Wed Mar 2 13:23:43 CET 2005

Dear Fieldtrippers,

I have a (sort of conceptual) question on how to test for parametric
modulations in power as a function of e.g. dificulty.

I have a task which has 5 difficulty levels, so from 1=easy to 5=hard.
I made 5 separate power-spectra, which could eg be named subj1_TFR{1} ..
subj1_TFR{5}. I can of course inspect each power spectrum separately,
and try to eye-ball whether there may be parametric increases or
decreases in power with increasing difficulty level, but it would be
nice if I could get a direct view on how 'linearly in/decreasing' the
power spectrum per sensor and frequency is.
Is this possible within Fieldtrip? Are there scripts around for doing
such a linear regression analysis?

Many thanks!

All the best,
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