CTF reading routines now GPL

Maniar, Hiren maniar at CSHL.EDU
Tue Mar 15 14:52:10 CET 2005

Hello Robert, 

I write in reference to the 2 script files you sent us, read_ctf_res4 & read_ctf_meg4. In read_ctf_res4, lines 230-234 & 254-258 apparently correct for some mis-oriented sensors. The question is whether it holds true for all CTF installations or simply the one at Donders? Would appreciate a clarification on this point.  Thanks. 

Many thanks for the scripts. 



-----Original Message-----
From: FieldTrip discussion list on behalf of Robert Oostenveld
Sent: Fri 02/18/05 8:30 AM
Subject: [FIELDTRIP] CTF reading routines now GPL
Dear CTF-FieldTrip users,

There are two files (read_ctf_res4 and read_ctf_meg4) in the FieldTrip
release that were released as p-files instead of m-files. These two
files originated from CTF, and since then have been modified and
improved by us at the Donders (e.g. speed improvements and support for
files >2GB).

VSM MedTech Ltd. now has given us permission to release these files as
wel in open source form under the GPL. They will be included as m-files
in upcoming releases. For those of you who are interested, you'll also
find them attached to this mail.

best regards,

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