No subject

J.M. Schoffelen Jan.Schoffelen at FCDONDERS.RU.NL
Thu Feb 10 17:26:04 CET 2005

Dear Virginie,

Welcome to the fieldtrip-community!

A first sanity check to test whether fieldtrip is capable of handling your
data might be the following:

hdr = read_fcdc_header('*.res4'); (with * being the name of your file.

data = read_fcdc_data(hdr,2,100,1); (which should read in sample 2 until 100
of the first channel in your data)

If this really does not work, that might mean that the CTF-software you use
to record your data is not compatible with the routines

we are using to read in the data.




From: FieldTrip discussion list [mailto:FIELDTRIP at NIC.SURFNET.NL] On Behalf
Of Virginie.van.Wassenhove at MRSC.UCSF.EDU
Sent: Thursday, February 10, 2005 4:37 PM
Subject: [FIELDTRIP]

Hello Fieldtripers!

I am new to Fieldtrip, and I am experiencing some issues trying to read the
CTF dataset into matlab.
I tried the command lines that were suggested in previous threads without

I would welcome any help/suggestions...
Thank you!

- Virginie

Virginie.van.Wassenhove at

vvw at


Virginie van Wassenhove, Ph.D. - Post-Doctoral Scholar

University of California, San Francisco (UCSF)

Biomagnetic Imaging Lab, Magnetic Source Imaging

Department of Radiology

513 Parnassus Avenue, Room 359 (S-362) Box # 0628

San Francisco, CA  94143-0628


Office: 415/476-0190

Lab:    415/476-6888

Fax:    415/502-4302


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