muscle artifact rejection
Daria Osipova
daria.osipova at FCDONDERS.RU.NL
Fri Feb 18 11:52:03 CET 2005
My muscle artifact rejection for the trial-based data crashes apparently due
to the fact that it starts to search for muscle artifacts before the first
trial starts. However I have this in my script that should supposedly solve
the problem:
cfg = definetrial(cfg);
cfg.trl = cfg.trl(2:end-1,:);
cfg = rmfield(cfg,'trialdef');
And this problem doesn't occur with either EOG or jump rejection.
Here is what it says:
identifying artifact-epochs
evaluating artifact_muscle
scanning for muscle artifacts in trial 1 from 121
??? Error using ==> read_fcdc_data
requested data segment extends over a discontinuous trial boundary
Error in ==> /home/common/matlab/fieldtrip/artifact_muscle.m
On line 110 ==> dat = read_fcdc_data(cfg.datafile, hdr,
trl(trllop,1)-fltpadding, ...
Error in ==> /home/common/matlab/fieldtrip/rejectartifact.m
On line 238 ==> eval(sprintf('[cfg, %s] = artifact_%s(cfg);',
cfg.artfctdef.type{type}, cfg.artfctdef.type{type}));
Error in ==> /home/common/matlab/fieldtrip/preprocessing.m
On line 242 ==> [cfg] = rejectartifact(cfg);
Error in ==> /home/electromag/darosi/data/temp/prep.m
On line 78 ==> data = preprocessing(cfg);
Thanks a lot!
Best regards,
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