[clean-list] Workshop: MIND, MECHANISM AND MATHEMATICS - Columbia University, New York City, May 12-14, 2014
S B Cooper
pmt6sbc at maths.leeds.ac.uk
Sat Apr 26 01:39:22 MEST 2014
The Turing Centenary Research Project
2nd Workshop, Columbia University, New York City, May 12-14, 2014
The second annual workshop of the Turing Centenary Research Project will
be held May 12-14 at the Morningside Campus of Columbia University, New
York City. The research project, funded by the John Templeton Foundation,
is a multidisciplinary activity focused on a number of issues related to
computability in a broad sense - see:
The first workshop was held in Milan, Italy, in June 2013:
This more public event is open to all. As well as short talks from the
winners of the 2012 Turing Centenary competition, this exciting event
features a number of distinguished speakers from a spectrum disciplines.
The meeting will be of particular interest to participants from
mathematics, computer science, biology, linguistics, artificial
intelligence, philosophy - extending to those concerned with
computability-theoretic issues in the humanities, arts and social
Invited speakers provisionally include:
ERIC ALLENDER (Rutgers), MARTIN DAVIS (New York University and UC
Berkeley), RAY DOUGHERTY (New York University), STUART KAUFFMAN
(University of Vermont), BENJAMIN KOO (Tsinghua University), RUSSELL
MILLER (City University of New York), KLAUS SUTNER (Carnegie Mellon
University), STEPHEN WOLFRAM (Wolfram Research)
Please feel free to register at
for all events you are interested in attending. Registration is free -
a small (optional) cash donation on the day is invited.
Further information from the Co-Chairs:
S Barry Cooper pmt6sbc at leeds.ac.uk, Gautam Dasgupta gd18 at columbia.edu
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