[clean-list] Call for Papers - QUATIC 2014
quatic2010.agile at gmail.com
Wed Mar 26 10:17:20 MET 2014
9th International Conference on the Quality of Information and Communications Technology
Guimarães, Portugal, 23 to 26 September 2014
The International Conference on the Quality of Information and Communications Technology (QUATIC) serves as a forum for disseminating advanced methods, techniques and tools for supporting quality approaches to ICT engineering and management. Practitioners and researchers are encouraged to exchange ideas and approaches on how to adopt a quality culture in ICT process and product improvement and to provide practical studies in varying contexts.
We invite researchers and practitioners to submit a paper to this conference, and join us in Portugal, in the beautiful and historic city of Guimarães, in September.
The conference program is organized on a series of Thematic Tracks, each corresponding to a specific topic of interest:
- ICT Verification and Validation
- ICT Process Improvement and Assessment
- Quality in ICT Requirements Engineering
- Quality in Agile Methods
- Evidence-Based Software Quality Engineering
- Quality in Web Engineering
- Quality in IT Service Management
- Quality in Technology Enhanced Learning
- Quality in Model Driven Engineering
The conference will also have a Business Day to foster the dissemination of best practices and to allow a lively discussion of hot topics and quality concerns in specific application domains. During the Business Day conference sponsors will share their knowledge and promote hands-on contact with new tools.
Another event, SEDES, will bring together Software Engineering PhD students to present and discuss their work.
As in the previous editions, papers accepted at the Thematic Tracks will be published by Conference Publishing Services (CPS), submitted for archiving in the IEEE Digital Library, and submitted for indexing in ISI Web of Science, SCOPUS, ACM Portal, DBLP and DOI System. Authors of the best papers accepted in the Thematic Tracks will be invited to submit extended versions for presentation in the Main Track. During the closing session of QUATIC’2014, awards will be given to the best papers presented during the meeting. Authors of selected papers presented in the Main Track, will be invited to submit extended and improved versions to be published in Software Quality Professional, a peer-reviewed journal of the American Society for Quality.
Thematic Tracks
- Abstract submission: April 7, 2014
- Paper submission: April 14, 2014
- Authors’ notification: May 26, 2014
- Camera-ready: July 10, 2014
Main Track
- Invitation to main track: May 26, 2014
- Extended paper submission: June 16, 2014
- Authors’ notification: July 7, 2014
- Camera-ready: July 21, 2014
Please follow the specific instructions provided at the page of the respective Thematic Track, from http://2014.quatic.org/tracks/thematic-tracks.
General program chairs:
- Alberto Silva, University of Lisbon, Portugal
- António Rito Silva, University of Lisbon, Portugal
Organizing chairs:
- Ricardo Machado, University of Minho, Portugal
- Miguel Abrunhosa de Brito, University of Minho, Portugal
Thematic tracks program chairs:
- Karol Frühauf, INFOGEM AG, Switzerland (ICT Process Improvement and Assessment)
- Guilherme Horta Travassos, COPPE - Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil and Fernando Brito Abreu, ISCTE-IUL & CITI/FCT/UNL, Portugal (Evidence-Based Software Quality Engineering)
- Maria Lencastre, University of Pernambuco, Brazil (Quality in ICT Requirements Engineering)
- Marion Lepmets, Dundalk Institute of Technology, Ireland (Quality in IT Service Management)
- Eda Marchetti, ISTI-CNR, Italy (ICT Verification and Validation)
- Maristella Matera, Politecnico di Milano – DEIB, Italy (Quality in Web Engineering)
- Panagiotis Sfetsos, Alexander Technological Educational Institution, Greece (Quality in Agile Methods)
- Francisco Arcega, University of Zaragoza, Spain (Quality in Technology Enhanced Learning)
- Marjan Mernik, University of Maribor, Slovenia (Quality in Model Driven Engineering)
Program Committee (Main Track):
- Rui Abreu (FEUP)
- Pedro Adão (SQIG, IST)
- Ademar Aguiar (FEUP)
- Vasco Amaral (FCT-UNL)
- Francisco Arcega (University of Zaragoza)
- Fernando Brito e Abreu (ISCTE-IUL)
- Kival Chaves Weber (SOFTEX / PBQP)
- François Coallier (ÉTS)
- Nelly Condori-Fernández (PROS Research Center)
- Taz Daughtrey (James Madison University)
- Safiullah Faizullah (Hewlett-Pakard)
- David Ferreira (IST-UL)
- Hugo Ferreira (FEUP)
- Karol Fruëhauf (INFOGEM)
- Pedro Guerreiro (University of Algarve)
- Guilherme Horta Travassos (COPPE - Federal University of Rio de Janeiro)
- Trudy Howles (Rochester Institute of Technology)
- Kai Jakobs (RWTH Aachen University)
- Maria Lencastre (University of Pernambuco)
- Marion Lepmets (Dundalk Institute of Technology)
- Ricardo Machado (University of Minho)
- Eda Marchetti (ISTI-CNR)
- Maristella Matera (Politecnico di Milano - DEIB)
- Marjan Mernik (University of Maribor)
- Miguel Mira da Silva (IST-UL)
- Ana Moreira (New University of Lisbon)
- Maurizio Morisio (Politecnico di Torino)
- Ana Paiva (FEUP)
- João Pascoal Faria (FEUP)
- Mark Paulk (CMU)
- João Pereira (IST-UL)
- Ana Regina Rocha (COPPE / Federal University of Rio de Janeiro)
- Paulo Rupino da Cunha (University of Coimbra)
- Claudio Sant'Annna (Federal University of Bahia)
- Gleison Santos (UNIRIO)
- João Saraiva (DefineScope)
- Stephen Seidman (Texas State University)
- Panagiotis Sfetsos (Alexander Technological Educational Institution)
- Maria Clara Silveira (ESTG-IPG)
- Carlos Soares (University of Porto)
- Marcello Thiry (Univali / Incremental Tecnologia)
- Nikolai Tillman (Microsoft Research)
- Ambrosio Toval (University of Murcia)
- Joost Visser (Software Improvement Group)
- George Wilkie (University of Ulster)
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