[clean-list] GandALF 2014: Preliminary call for papers
murano at na.infn.it
murano at na.infn.it
Wed Jan 22 09:23:57 MET 2014
[We apologize if you have received multiple copies of this message]
------ GandALF 2014 -----
5th International Symposium on Games, Automata, Logics, and Formal
September 10 - 12, 2014,
Verona, Italy
The aim of the symposium is to bring together researchers from academia
and industry which are actively working in the fields of Games, Automata,
Logics, and Formal Verification. The idea is to cover an ample spectrum of
themes, ranging from theory to applications, and stimulate
cross-fertilization. Papers focused on formal methods are especially
welcome. Authors are invited to submit original research or tool papers on
all relevant topics in these areas. Papers discussing new ideas that are
at an early stage of development are also welcome.
The topics covered by the conference include, but are not limited to:
- Automata Theory
- Automated Deduction
- Computational aspects of Game Theory
- Concurrency and Distributed computation
- Decision Procedures
- Deductive, Compositional, and Abstraction Techniques for Verification
- Finite Model Theory
- First-order and Higher-order Logics
- Formal Languages
- Formal Methods for Systems Biology, Hybrid, Embedded, and Mobile Systems
- Games and Automata for Verification
- Game Semantics
- Logical aspects of Computational Complexity
- Logics of Programs
- Modal and Temporal Logics
- Model Checking
- Models of Reactive and Real-Time Systems
- Program Analysis and Software Verification
- Run-time Verification and Testing
- Specification and Verification of Finite and Infinite-state Systems
- Synthesis
- May 10th Abstract submission
- May 25th Paper submission
- June 25th Notification
- July 25th Camera-ready submission
The conference proceedings will be published by Electronic Proceedings in
Theoretical Computer Science. A special issue of a major international
journal to publish an extended and revised version of the best symposium
papers is also under consideration. Revised versions of the selected
papers from the previous editions lead to one special issue of the
International Journal of Foundation of Computer Science (GandALF 2010),
two special issues of Theoretical Computer Science (GandALF 2011 and
2012), and one special issue of Information and Computation (GandALF
Submitted papers should not exceed fourteen (14) pages using EPTCS format,
be unpublished and contain original research. For papers reporting
experimental results, authors are encouraged to make their data available
with their submission. Submissions must be in PDF or PS format and will be
handled via EasyChair
- Adriano Peron, University Federico II of Napoli, Italy
- Carla Piazza, University of Udine, Italy
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