[clean-list] Cfp CSERC 2013
Marko van Eekelen
marko at cs.ru.nl
Mon Nov 19 12:44:57 MET 2012
Apologies for cross-postings
Call for Papers
Computer Science Education Research Conference (CSERC '13)
April 4-5, 2013, Arnhem, The Netherlands
The scientific international CSERC is organised by the Open University in the Netherlands, School of Computer Science and Centre for Learning Sciences and Technologies (CELSTEC), in cooperation with the ACM SIGCSE. The conference is co-located with NIOC, a Dutch conference for computer science teachers, working at high schools, at universities, or in industry.
CSERC specifically addresses the need for fundamental insights into computer science education; it will provide a forum to discuss research on computer science education.
Full papers will be considered concerning the following computer science education related topics:
• designing a computer science curriculum
• didactics of computer science education
• teaching methods for computer science subjects
• development of professional competences for computer science
• support tools and instruments for teachers in computer science
• field studies in computer science education
• cultural and regional differences in computer science education
• convergence and divergence of both bachelor and master programmes in computer science
• specifics of vocational and professional education in computer science as contrasted with mandatory education
Conference Chair: Marko van Eekelen.
Programme Chairs: Erik Barendsen, Sally Fincher, Gerrit van de Veer and Peter Sloep.
Submission due date: January 13, 2013
Notification of acceptance: February 22, 2013
CSERC conference: April 4 and 5, 2013
Final papers due date: April 28, 2013
The conference proceedings will be published in the ACM digital library.
Conference site: http://www.ou.nl/cserc
Contact: cserc at ou.nl
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