luciano.vieira.lima at terra.com.br
luciano.vieira.lima at terra.com.br
Fri Aug 10 02:29:53 MEST 2012
HI, how are you?
I'm needing a converter from ASCII to UTF8.
The text editor that I generate in CLEAN are not recognized by some languages that work with UTF8 without BOM.
Someone would have to send me?
It may be a not free converter.
My best regards
Luciano Vieira Lima
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De: clean-list-bounces at science.ru.nl [mailto:clean-list-bounces at science.ru.nl] Em nome de clean-list-request at science.ru.nl
Enviada em: segunda-feira, 6 de agosto de 2012 07:00
Para: clean-list at science.ru.nl
Assunto: [Spam] clean-list Digest, Vol 93, Issue 1
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Today's Topics:
1. ICLP news - conference program, registration, grants
(Gergely Lukacsy (glukacsy))
2. GAMES 2012 -- Call for participation -- (Nello Murano)
Message: 1
Date: Fri, 27 Jul 2012 08:46:29 +0000
From: "Gergely Lukacsy (glukacsy)" <glukacsy at cisco.com>
To: Cisco Employee <lukacsy at gmail.com>
Subject: [clean-list] ICLP news - conference program, registration,
Message-ID: <CC3813D7.58B2%glukacsy at cisco.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
Apologies for cross posting.
ICLP 2012<http://cs.bme.hu/iclp2012> - Latest Updates,
* The Conference Program<http://cs.bme.hu/iclp2012/Program.pdf> (preliminary version) is now available!
* Early registration<http://cs.bme.hu/iclp2012/Registration.html> fees still applicable for workshop participants (until July 31, 2012, strict)
* Google Conference Grant<http://cs.bme.hu/iclp2012/DiversityGrant.html> for female computer scientists!
see http://cs.bme.hu/iclp2012 if links above do not work
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Message: 2
Date: Sat, 4 Aug 2012 22:24:12 +0200 (CEST)
From: "Nello Murano" <murano at na.infn.it>
To: murano at na.infn.it
Subject: [clean-list] GAMES 2012 -- Call for participation --
Message-ID: <39247. at imap-lp.na.infn.it>
Content-Type: text/plain;charset=iso-8859-1
[We apologize if you have received multiple copies of this message]
Annual Workshop of the ESF Networking Programme on
Games for Design and Verification
7th - 12th September 2012 - Napoli, Italy
The ESF Networking Programme on Games for Design and Verification is a European Network pursuing research and training on the design and verification of computing systems. This network proposes a research and training programme for the design and verification of computing systems, using a methodological framework that is based on the interplay of finite and infinite games, mathematical logic and automata theory.
For details, see www.games.rwth-aachen.de/
GAMES is the annual workshop of the Network and this year edition is the concluding one.
GAMES 2012 will be held at Universita' di Napoli Federico II, Italy.
The scope of the workshop includes the mathematical and algorithmic analysis of finite and infinite games, the interplay of games with automata theory and logic, and applications of games, automata, and logic to the design and verification of computing systems.
There is not a registration fee. However, for organizational matters, you must fill the registration form available at the workshop web page. The registration deadline is August 10th 2012.
As in previous years, GAMES 2012 will be an informal workshop, without proceedings. Its programme consists of 10 invited talks, and
36 contributed talks. Contributed talks have been selected by the programme committee on the basis of submitted abstracts.
For the detailed program of GAMES 2012, please have a look at:
- Mikolaj Bojanczyk (Warsaw University, Poland)
- Krishnendu Chatterjee (IST Vienna, Austria)
- Thomas Colcombet (CNRS Paris, France)
- Olivier Friedman (University of Munich, Germany)
- Hugo Gimbert (CNRS, France)
- Joseph Halpern (Cornell University, USA)
- Damian Niwinski (Warsaw University, Poland)
- Luke Ong (Oxford University, UK)
- Jean-Fran?ois Raskin (Universit? Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium)
- Wolfgang Thomas (RWTH Aachen University, Germany)
The workshop will be held at the Centro Congressi Ateneo Federico II, Via Partenope 36, Napoli, located on a wonderful seafront promenade, close to the historical center and the Castel dell'Ovo. The location is just in front of the baia that hosted last America's Cup World Competition.
- Krzysztof Apt, CWI and University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands
- Dietmar Berwanger, CNRS and ENS Cachan, France
- Erich Gr?del, RWTH Aachen University, Germany
- Christof L?ding, RWTH Aachen University, Germany
- Angelo Montanari, University of Udine, Italy
- Aniello Murano, Universit? di Napoli Federico II, Italy (Main Organizer)
- Mimmo Parente, Univerit? di Salerno, Italy
- Sven Shewe, University of Liverpool, UK
- Igor Walukiewicz, Universit? Bordeaux 1, France
GandALF 2012 - Third International Symposium on Games, Automata, Logics, and Formal Verification - www.gandalf.unina.it/ - September 6th-8th, 2012
Please visit the workshop website (http://www.games.unina.it) for more information.
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End of clean-list Digest, Vol 93, Issue 1
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